
Each of us can make a difference in creating a more pleasant and friendly Blockfest. We encourage festivalgoers to actively foster an atmosphere where the safety and well-being of one another are considered. We want to emphasize that we all have a responsibility to actively contribute to the festival’s safety by taking responsibility for our own and each other’s behavior and well-being. Let’s strive to ensure that those around us feel good. The safety and well-being of one another are priority number one! Let’s take care of each other.


Respect and appreciate another person’s personal physical and mental safety. Everyone has the right to come to the festival area and trust that no one will touch them without permission or harass them verbally. Ask before you touch. You cannot know another person’s boundaries without asking. If someone gives you feedback that your behavior makes them feel uncomfortable, listen and change your behavior. Intervene if you witness harassment and offer help or support to the person being harassed.

There is no excuse for bad behavior. Not even when being intoxicated. Let’s take care of each other.

We may easily make various assumptions about other people. Be aware of this and do not make assumptions about anyone’s nationality, ethnic background, religion, sexuality, gender, socioeconomic background, values, health, or ability to function. No one needs to explain who they are or justify their existence to you. Set aside your prejudices and respect other people as person.

Do not bully, belittle, or embarrass anyone with your words or actions. Take responsibility for your actions and behavior. Kindness is cool! Spread the love instead.

If you experience or witness harassment or inappropriate behavior, find the nearest security guard or “Miten menee” support staff and report the situation. You can recognize “Miten menee” support staff by their light blue vests.

Don’t be a bystander; instead, intervene in inappropriate behavior and offer your help or support to the person being harassed. Inform the person being harassed that the “Miten menee” support staff, who patrol the festival area, are available for conversation and can also be found in the HAPPEE area. If you experience harassment or any other inappropriate treatment, or if you are unsure whether it is harassment, you can always contact Blockfest’s Safe Space person by calling or sending a message on WhatsApp to the number +358 505591285.

Come on, absolutely not! Blockfest does not tolerate any forms of violence. Instead of physical violence, let go of your negative emotions in the form of a rap battle.

Our partner, Tampereen ensi- ja turvakoti ry, provides services to help perpetrators of violence. Read more about them here.

Recognize your own biases. Don’t assume or label. In saying this, we all make mistakes. Apologize, if you intentionally or unintentionally disrespect or hurt someone else. Spread love❤️