By following Blockfest’s social media channels, you agree to abide by the following rules. Any comment left in the comment sections also signifies agreement to the rules below. Comments may be deleted or users blocked if they violate these terms:
We aim to create a safer, friendlier, and more enjoyable environment together. Let’s treat everyone with respect. If you don’t have anything positive to say about a post, please refrain from commenting unnecessarily.
A firm no to hate speech and bullying.
Blockfest’s platforms do not tolerate any form of bullying, offensive, or malicious comments. Racist, defamatory, or discriminatory remarks against minorities have no place on Blockfest’s or any other platform’s comment sections. Constructive criticism, however, is always welcome.
Do not violate anyone’s dignity or privacy.
Commercial advertising and reselling of event tickets are prohibited.
Inciting violence or dangerous behavior is strictly forbidden.
Blockfest is a universe, its own world, celebrating hip-hop culture. It strives to create a safer environment where everyone is welcome. Blockfest brings people together regardless of age, gender, cultural background, religion, or superficial differences.